Leon Sebastian B

0 (0)
Giarmata, Romania
2 luni
A angajat de 0 ori


Babysitter for 1 kids, 1-3 years old, Giarmata, Occasional - 3 hours, 20-30 lei/hour

Looking for a young girl, college or high school student, available to spend time with a 2 year old child for 3 - 4 hrs / day maybe two times a week while parents are at home, too. Location is within the metropolitan area of Timișoara, covered by public transportation (Giarmata 307210), while the exact days of the week should be mutually agreed; everything is flexible. Non-smoker, Dutch or French speakers highly encouraged to apply. Thank you!


Am nevoie pentru

Am nevoie de ajutor cu 1 copil

1 - 3 ani

Alte calificări căutate


Caut un helper(bonă/menajeră etc) cu minim 1 an experiență

Preșcolari mici (1-3 ani)


Ocazional: 20-30 RON/Oră - 3 Ore pe zi

Caut și serviciile

Am nevoie de ajutor cu

Despre helper

Helperul vorbește

