Fotografie cu K A
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Bonă, Bulevardul Tomis 218, Constanta

2000-2750 RON/Lună
Experiență: 4 ani
A ajutat 0 familii


Cauți bonă în Bulevardul Tomis 218, Constanta? Fă cunoștință cu K A:

Hello! I am Anastasia from Ukraine, 21 years old. My experience is 3 years of work in sales, one of which is a promotion to team leader and control of the result and work of employees in a PR agency. I have passed many webinars on the psychology of working with people, the subtleties and secrets of sales, work with staff, the dismantling of the brand of the company. Also have an experience of babysitting with children of different ages, from one-year-olds to schoolchildren. I easily find contact and common language, understand the needs and interests of the child. At the moment I am working with a boy with concentration problems. Now I am ready to consider any work proposals. Spoken languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English and Romanian (in the process of learning).



Dispus/ă să am grijă de maxim 1 copil

1 - 3 ani
4 - 7 ani
8 - 12 ani
12+ ani
0 - 11 luni

Alte calificări:


Experiența mea: 4 ani

Școlari (6+ ani)
Preșcolari mari (4-6 ani)

Pot să ajut și cu:


Full-time: 2000-2750 RON/Lună - 8 Ore pe zi

Alte detalii

Ofer și alte servicii:


Studii absolvite: Liceu


Limbi străine