Fotografie cu Frida P
0.00 din 0

Frida P
Bonă, Soseaua Bucuresti - Urziceni, Bucuresti

0.00 din 0
2505-6500 RON/Lună
Experiență: 2 ani
26 Ani
A ajutat 0 familii
  • Imagine care ilustrează că helperul peste 100% rată de răspuns
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Cauți bonă în Soseaua Bucuresti - Urziceni, Bucuresti? Fă cunoștință cu Frida P:

Hi, dear family! My name is Frida, I'm from Mexico and 24 years old. My husband is Romanian, that's why I live here. I'm an online German teacher, I work with Mexico time and that is why I'm usually free almost all day. I'm currently looking for a job as a full-time-babysitter or petsitter (stay in), since I live in Buzau and due to some problem on the website, I cannot change my location, or some kind of job that could help me with half of the tickets of train. I have no problem traveling by train, I love it. I have experience working and living with children, I was working as a babysitter in Bucharest, as a volunteer in England in an art workshop for children, I have one ypungest brother and sister, and I'm the oldest of all my cousins, I love being with them and taking care of them. I have references available. I hope to meet you soon!



Dispus/ă să am grijă de maxim 4 copii

0 - 11 luni
1 - 3 ani
4 - 7 ani
8 - 12 ani
12+ ani

Alte calificări:


Experiența mea: 2 ani

Preșcolari mari (4-6 ani)
Școlari (6+ ani)

Pot să ajut și cu:


Full-time: 2505-6500 RON/Lună - 10 Ore pe zi

Alte detalii

Ofer și alte servicii:



Studii absolvite: Facultate

Specializarea: German Literature

Limbi străine
