Photo of Paula S
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Paula S
Housekeeper, Strada Portocalilor, Pantelimon

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Full-time, Ocassional, Special
500-6500 RON/Month, 5-125 RON/Hour
Experience: 0 years
45 years old
Has helped 0 families


Looking for common:housekeeper in Strada Portocalilor, Pantelimon? Meet Paula S:

Sunt sotie și mama a doi copii ...doresc 2 ..3 familii serioase cu care sa colaborez pe termem lung ,aceasta meserie nu necesita experienta un caracter bun și un simt al responsabilității este de ajuns și asta se dovedește lucrând împreună nu prin vorbe


Bulding type

Maximum number of rooms: 4


I have my own cleaning products
I have my own cleaning equipment


My experience: 0 years

I can also help with:


Full-time: 500-6500 RON/Month - 8 Hours per day

Ocassional: 5-125 RON/Hour - 6 Hours per day

Other details

I can offer other services:


Graduated studies: Highschool

Major: Necalificat

Spoken Languages