Photo of Patricia M
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Patricia M

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Housekeeper, Strada Morii, Brasov

Part-time, Ocassional, Special
500-6500 RON/Month, 50-100 RON/Hour
Experience: 3 years
  • Image illustrating that helper covid vaccinated
  • Image illustrating that helper 100% response rate


Looking for common:housekeeper in Strada Morii, Brasov? Meet Patricia M:

Hello! My name is Patricia and I am a 3rd year student at the Faculty of Medicine, specializing in Nursing. In the past I have taken care of children aged between 6 and 14, but I can add raising my younger sister as experience too! I volunteered at the emergency ward of the county hospital in Brasov, but also in different schools where I taught first aid courses to primary school students. If you would like to give your child a quality, educational and fun time, contact me! Buna! Ma numesc Patricia si sunt studenta in anul 3 la Facultatea de Medicina, specializarea Asistenta medicala generala! In trecut am am avut grija de copii cu varsta intre 6 si 14 ani, dar pot adauga si cresterea surorii mele mai mici ca experienta! Am facut voluntariat la sectia de primiri urgente a spitalului judetean din Brasov, dar si in diferite scoli unde am predat elevilor din clasele primare cursuri de acordare prim ajutor. Daca ai dori sa îi oferi copilului tău un timp de calitate, educativ, dar și distractiv, contacteaza-mă!


Bulding type

Maximum number of rooms: 8


I have my own cleaning products
I have my own cleaning equipment


MyExperienceX years



Part-time: 500-6500 RON/Month - 4 Hours per day

Ocassional: 50-100 RON/Hour - 4 Hours per day

Other details




GraduatedStudies University

Specialization Asistenta medicala generala

Spoken Languages