Photo of Oana I
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Oana I
Babysitter, Intrarea Padurarilor, Timisoara

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Ocassional, Special
5-125 RON/Hour
Experience: 1 years
38 years old
Has helped 0 families


Looking for common:babysitter in Intrarea Padurarilor, Timisoara? Meet Oana I:

O persoana zambitoare, sociabila,increzatoare . Am facut 18 ani sport de performanta (handbal) si am termibat Facultatea de fizica si soort ca profesor/antrenor iar de 5 ani de zile lucrez la Spitalul Clinic judetean de urgenta unde am descoperit o noua vocatie si ma facut sa urmez scoala de asistent medical generalist .Empatizez enorm de mult cu oameni.



Willing to take care of 1 child

12+ years old
1 - 3 years old
0 - 11 months
4 - 7 years old
8 - 12 years old

Other qualifications:


My experience: 1 year

Infants (0-1 year old)

I can also help with:


Ocassional: 5-125 RON/Hour - 8 Hours per day

Other details

I can offer other services:



Graduated studies: Other

Major: Asistent Medical Generalist

Spoken Languages