Photo of Ioana D
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Ioana D
Babysitter, Strada Gropeni, Maracineni

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Full-time, Ocassional, Special
1950-3135 RON/Month, 50-125 RON/Hour
Experience: 0 years
17 years old
Has helped 0 families
  • Image illustrating that helper covid vaccinated


Looking for common:babysitter in Strada Gropeni, Maracineni? Meet Ioana D:

Sunt o adolescentă de 17 ani care cauta un job pentru aceasta vara. Mereu am fost cea mai mare dintre verișori, finuți si asa mai departe, am avut mereu grija de ei. Iubesc copiii si imi place sa petrec timpul cu ei, stiu sa gatesc, sunt o persoană comunicativă si de mare încrederea, invat repede, sunt organizată, serioasa si perfectionista si pun mereu suflet in ceea ce fac.



Willing to take care of 2 children

8 - 12 years old
4 - 7 years old
12+ years old

Other qualifications:


My experience: 0 years

Toddlers (1-3 years old)

I can also help with:


Full-time: 1950-3135 RON/Month - 8 Hours per day

Ocassional: 50-125 RON/Hour - 2 Hours per day

Other details

I can offer other services:


Graduated studies: Highschool

Major: Filologie

Spoken Languages