Photo of Ștefania B
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Ștefania B
Babysitter, Aleea Botorani 8, Bucuresti

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Ocassional, Special
5-30 RON/Hour
Experience: 3 years
24 years old
Has helped 0 families


Looking for common:babysitter in Aleea Botorani 8, Bucuresti? Meet Ștefania B:

Buna tuturor! Ma numesc Stefania, am 23 de ani si de profesie sunt asistent medical. Sunt un om empatic, grijuliu, punctual si atent la detalii. Iubesc copiii si sa interactionez cu ei. Doritoare sa ajut o familie care are nevoie de o persoana serioasa si implicata in viata copilului lor. Experienta in ingrijirea copiilor este de 3 ani. Pasiunile mele includ cititul, gatitul, cinematografia. Astept mesajul dumneavoastra!



Willing to take care of 2 children

1 - 3 years old
4 - 7 years old
8 - 12 years old
0 - 11 months
12+ years old

Other qualifications:


My experience: 3 years

Infants (0-1 year old)
Toddlers (1-3 years old)

I can also help with:


Ocassional: 5-30 RON/Hour - 7 Hours per day

Other details

I can offer other services:


Graduated studies: Other

Major: Asistent Medical Generalist

Spoken Languages