Photo of Magdalena R
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Magdalena R
Babysitter, Strada Drumul Ciorogarla

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Ocassional, Special
5-50 RON/Hour
Experience: 3 years
27 years old
Has helped 0 families


Looking for common:babysitter in Strada Drumul Ciorogarla? Meet Magdalena R:

Buna! Eu sunt Magda, sunt o fire jucausa cu multa creativitate si placere fata de joc. Sunt terapeut pentru copii speciali de peste 2 ani. Lucrez si la scoala, deci temele piticilor nu constituie o problema. Voluntariat in toate domeniile fac din 2009 pana in prezent. Astept sa ne cunoastem!



Willing to take care of 1 child

8 - 12 years old
12+ years old

Other qualifications:


My experience: 3 years

Schoolers (6+ years old)

I can also help with:


Ocassional: 5-50 RON/Hour - 3 Hours per day

Other details

I can offer other services:


Graduated studies: University

Major: Asistenta Sociala

Spoken Languages