Photo of Bianca J
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Bianca J

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Babysitter, Celofibrei, Bragadiru

Ocassional, Special
45-65 RON/Hour
Experience: 3 years
  • Image illustrating that helper covid vaccinated
  • Image illustrating that helper verified identity
  • Image illustrating that helper punctual
  • Image illustrating that helper responsible
  • Image illustrating that helper gentle
  • Image illustrating that helper willing to adapt
  • Image illustrating that helper i would book again
  • Image illustrating that helper over 80% response rate


Looking for common:babysitter in Celofibrei, Bragadiru? Meet Bianca J:

Buna!! Ma numesc Joita Bianca, am 18 ani si studiez la Universitatea Bucuresti, in cadrul Facultatii de a Psihologie si Stiintele Educatiei. Sunt educatoare, insa imi menajez timpul destul de bine si am energie sa ajut❤️ Sunt o fire energica si dornica de lucru, in timpul liber ma ocup cu voluntariate. Colaborez regulat cu asociatia non-profit Salvati Copiii Romania, insa ma implic in mai multe evenimente caritabile. Experienta mea in pedagogie se bazeaza si pe indrumarea copiilor la teme, coordonarea acestora in tabere si evenimente de entertainment la petreceri si nunti. Cunosc limba engleza la nivel de C2,am studii liceale in SUA. Imi place sa lucrez cu copii intre varstele 0-12 ani. Pot ajuta copiii la teme sau ii pot insoti si supraveghea in timpul activitatilor recreative.



WillingToTakeCareOfX children

0 - 11 months
1 - 3 years old
4 - 7 years old
8 - 12 years old



MyExperienceX years

Toddlers (1-3 years old)
Preschoolers (4-6 years old)
Schoolers (6+ years old)



Ocassional: 45-65 RON/Hour - 2 Hours per day

Other details



GraduatedStudies University

Specialization Universitatea Bucuresti Facultatea de Psihologie si Stiintele Educatiei

Spoken Languages