Photo of Carmen C
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Carmen C
Babysitter, Str. Curcubeului, Bragadiru 077025

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Full-time, Ocassional, Special
3000-4050 RON/Month, 35-35 RON/Hour
Experience: 5 years
70 years old
Has helped 1 families
  • Image illustrating that helper verified identity
  • Image illustrating that helper over 70% response rate


Looking for common:babysitter in Str. Curcubeului, Bragadiru 077025? Meet Carmen C:

Buna,eu sunt Carmen,fosta invatatoare,am 67 de ani,locuiesc in Bucuresti(Cart.Latin Prel..Ghencea),sunt singura,fara obligatii.Doresc sa am grija de un copil scolar cu care sa sa fac temele zilnice pt scoala,poate si ceva in plus,sa servesc masa,sa merg cu el la diverse activitati,pot insoti copilul si in concediu cu parintii,am grija de hainutele lui(spalat+calcat).Imi place acest job pt ca am lucrat 40 de ani cu copiii si ma bucur cand vad rezultatele muncii mele,atunci cand copiii au rezultate f bune.Sunt disponibila si pt meditatii romana si matematica pt clasele I-IV.



Willing to take care of 1 child

4 - 7 years old

Other qualifications:


My experience: 5 years

Schoolers (6+ years old)
Preschoolers (4-6 years old)

I can also help with:


Full-time: 3000-4050 RON/Month - 8 Hours per day

Ocassional: 35-35 RON/Hour - 2 Hours per day

Other details

I can offer other services:


Graduated studies: Highschool

Major: prof pt invatamant primar

Spoken Languages