Photo of Ilinca L
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Ilinca L
Babysitter, Strada Ion Tuculescu, Bucuresti

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Ocassional, Special
15-20 RON/Hour
Experience: 1 years
23 years old
Has helped 0 families
  • Image illustrating that helper covid vaccinated
  • Image illustrating that helper 100% response rate


Looking for common:babysitter in Strada Ion Tuculescu, Bucuresti? Meet Ilinca L:

Buna, sunt absolventa de psihologie si masteranda in domeniul consilierii vocationale. Am ales sa iau o pauza de la joburile in multinationale de pana acum ca sa ma concentrez mai mult pe mine pana termin studiile, dar simt nevoia unei activitati zilnice. Imi plac animalele, am 2 motani mofturosi, dar si copiii. Am 5 verisori de sub 12 ani cu care ma vad aproape saptamanal si pentru care sunt sigura ca sunt ruda preferata :p



Willing to take care of 3 children

1 - 3 years old
4 - 7 years old
8 - 12 years old
12+ years old

Other qualifications:


My experience: 1 year

Schoolers (6+ years old)
Preschoolers (4-6 years old)

I can also help with:


Ocassional: 15-20 RON/Hour - 4 Hours per day

Other details

I can offer other services:



Graduated studies: University

Major: Psihologie

Spoken Languages