Photo of Irina S
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Irina S
Babysitter, Strada Witting, Bucuresti

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Ocassional, Special
25-25 RON/Hour
Experience: 5 years
46 years old
Has helped 2 families
  • Image illustrating that helper has a car
  • Image illustrating that helper covid vaccinated
  • Image illustrating that helper verified identity
  • Image illustrating that helper over 20 bookings
  • Image illustrating that helper over 70% response rate


Looking for common:babysitter in Strada Witting, Bucuresti? Meet Irina S:

Buna! Eu sunt Irina  si cel putin in ultimii 10 ani mi-am dedicat timpul si sufletul activitatilor cu copiii din cadrul Organizatiei Nationale Cercetasii Romaniei. Asta a insemnat ca am petrecut zile intregi alaturi de copii , de la mici la mari, ajutandu-i sa se formeze sanatos si armonios, si fiind alaturi de ei oriunde si oricand. Am 2 copii ai mei, o fata si un baiat(mari acum)  despre care consider ca sunt foarte echilibrati, vazandu-i pe amandoi  veseli , tenace si  capabili sa se descurce in majoritatea situatiilor. Din experienta pot spune ca ma conectez extrem de bine cu copiii ,imi place sa stau in preajma lor, si cu incredere as putea spune  ca este reciproc:)



Willing to take care of 2 children

1 - 3 years old
4 - 7 years old
8 - 12 years old

Other qualifications:


My experience: 5 years

Toddlers (1-3 years old)
Preschoolers (4-6 years old)
Schoolers (6+ years old)

I can also help with:


Ocassional: 25-25 RON/Hour - 5 Hours per day

Other details

I can offer other services:


Graduated studies: University

Major: turism

Spoken Languages