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Buna ziua Avem nevoie pentru baiatul nostru Victor (8 ani) de babysitting ocazional - cateva ore in week enduri. As avea nevoie specific chiar week endul acesta (sambata 7 dec) 6-8 ore. Locuim in Asmita Gardens, si sambata acesta voi si eu mare parte din timp acasa. Multumesc
Starting hour
I need help for 1 children
I also need help with (babysitting/ housekeeping):
Ocassional: 35-50 RON/Hour - 6 Hours per day
The level of experience needed
The level of experience you are looking for: 0 years
Reviews received byRuja C
Irina E
Culia A
O/Îl recomand pe Ruja. Foarte profi!
Culia A
O/Îl recomand pe Ruja. Foarte profi!